Resurrection Small Groups

Why Small Groups?

Welcome to Resurrection small groups! “Small groups” have become so commonplace in contemporary churches that many of us have taken for granted their significance. We forget that the Christian faith is best lived in relationship with other believers, and that these relationships have the power to change us. Despite how commonplace small groups have become in churches, though, what is not commonplace is their power. We may hear the message of the Gospel at church, but small groups empower us through group dialogue to become that message for the world. We’re here to help you along that journey. It doesn’t have to be burdensome or overbearing – we believe these relationships can change your life!

The Small Group Journey

Small group ministry at Resurrection occurs alongside our church’s purpose statement: to build a Christian community where nonreligious and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed Christians. “Becoming” entails constant growth, and therefore the long-term vision for small groups is one of gradual maturation in the Christian faith. The small group journey holds in tension the formation of close community on the one hand, and responding to God when we are called to take the next step in our faith on the other hand. We talk about the small group journey in three stages. As you begin your time with our small group ministry, you will hear detailed information about each stage.

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